Why Meditate?

Why Meditate?  Why take all of the necessary time and effort to develop the habit?  Why, once you do develop it, do you never ever want to stop?  Because the rewards are so fulfilling, so satisfying, so remarkable.  It is one key to changing your life,  to accepting it as perfect, just the way it is. To being able to love, bless and forgive yourself and others for anything that has caused you harm, or for any harm you may have inadvertently caused another.  It can return you to health, on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and introduce you to your Spiritual or Higher Self.  It is the door to the Universe, which is the Unlimited Resource for All Problems.  The Universe has the answers you seek, and you can access them through meditation, with practice, persistence and patience.  Sorry, but like everything else here on this planet, it must be earned.

So what IS meditation?   Meditation describes a state of concentrated attention on some object of thought or awareness. It usually involves turning the attention inward to a single point of reference. The benefits of the practice can engender a higher state of consciousness. Meditation is recognized as a component of eastern religions, where it has been practiced for over 5,000 years.

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