The Five Universal Laws That Govern Us

In AD 553 the Church Council of Constantinople decreed that anyone who supported the `mythical’ doctrine of pre-existence of the soul and believed in the soul’s return to earth after death (reincarnation) should henceforth be anathema (meaning damned. It is a formal condemnation or curse excommunicating someone from the Church). Thus, again by majority vote, the church leaders suppressed a truth of the Ancient Wisdom implicit in the teachings of Jesus and taught in the mystery schools throughout the ancient world. Based on this information, the following indications of the five immutable (unchangeable) laws and their out-working is shared in the hope it will begin to answer some of your questions about life and death, to which we are all accountable:

1. Reincarnation, the Law of Rebirth:  In short, life in the physical body is like a year at school. We come back to the earth with certain lessons to learn, certain gifts to develop, and at the end of the school year we go home again, or withdraw to an inner, or more subtle, state of being in what may be called a `land of light’, for a period of rest and refreshment. During this time, the soul can review what was gained or lost in the life now finished. When it has had a period of rest and refreshment and feels the urge to gain more wisdom, it is shown the next set of lessons to be learned, and drawn into incarnation at the appropriate time and place. This process of work and refreshment continues until the whole earth curriculum is completed. Continue reading

Transforming Our Natal Squares Into Sextiles And Finally Into Trines (based on my current understanding)

The square aspect represents the area, in our past lives, where our egos were in control, indicating that the negative qualities of these planets manifested in our lives;  and will continue to manifest until or unless we choose to consciously change them.
As we become aware of this truth, and consciously work to correct them, the positive qualities of the planets involved will begin to manifest in our lives.

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List of Astrological Symbols


The Signs of the Zodiac:

 ♈ Aries  ♎ Libra
 ♉ Taurus  ♏ Scorpio
 ♊ Gemini  ♐ Sagittarius
 ♋ Cancer  ♑ Capricorn
 ♌ Leo  ♒ Aquarius
 ♍ Virgo  ♓ Pisces


 ☉ Sun  ♃ Jupiter
 ☽ Moon  ♄ Saturn
 ☿ Mercury  ♅ Uranus
 ♀ Venus  ♆ Neptune
 ♂ Mars  ♇ Pluto


Asc Ascendant  ☊ North Node
 MC Midheaven  ☋ South Node
Vertex  Rx Retrograde
Part of Fortune Chiron
Ceres Amor


 ☌ Conjunction Sesquiquadrature
Semi-sextile Quincunx (or inconjunct)
 ✱ Sextile  ☍ Opposition
 ☐ Square Parallel
 Δ Trine Contra-parallel



Saturn In Pisces Square Neptune In Sagittarius

Saturn in Sagittarius Squaring Neptune in Pisces: A Compendium

This is a compilation of information copied from many articles written about Transiting Saturn Squaring Transiting Neptune in 2015 and 2016.

None of this is my personal interpretation nor does it reflect my personal or professional opinion.

Because it is going to affect millions of people, I wanted to have it available here for anyone who is interested.

If you don’t know whether or not it is going to personally affect you, I’d be happy to draw up a birth chart for you, and let you know based on your natal placements in Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius, the 4 signs this square is going to impact.

As always, please take what rings true for you, and leave the rest. Because of our own past lives, every aspect affects us differently.

Remember to let each insight or awareness gleaned from reading this article “Be O.K. and it will be a positive (even if challenging) experience, from which wonderful soul growth can come.

Embrace it! Be Grateful! and you will recognize the rewards from its impact sooner rather than later!    Namaste, Rosemary Continue reading

How and Why I Became a Spiritual Astrologer

Over a very short period of time, I went from having a thriving counseling practice, running three or four spiritual groups, and giving readings as a psychic, medium, healer, or spiritual teacher, to sitting all day – every day – in my recliner – in my living room.  The only social contacts available to me were my family and my Spirit Guides. The only activities available were those necessary to maintain my health, my home, and my familial relationships.  But, thanks to my relationship with Spirit, which creates my Inner Life, I was never truly alone, and did not become depressed, at least not in my heart, or soul.  I was, however, lonely, because the phone had stopped ringing, no clients were seeking my counsel, no clients were seeking me as a psychic reader, and my children were grown and off living their own lives.  Even my husband was busy, and not home very much.  I was alone much of the time, day after day, sitting in my recliner from morning to night, contemplating my life, and my choices.  My ever-judging ego/mind was upset with my current conditions, so I felt frustrated, but, powerless to change it, and I missed, mightily, my once busy, fulfilling, outer, or worldly, life.  I would meditate to relieve the stress of doing nothing, seeking to let it be O.K. to just ‘be’, but it was always a struggle.  The truth was, I was fighting boredom, my worst enemy, and I knew it.  I did know, though, that there was a purpose to this, that there was a lesson I was meant to learn, I just wanted to learn it, and get on with my life, but that was part of the lesson, so it dragged on and on, interminably I (identified with my ego) felt at the time. Continue reading