The Five Universal Laws That Govern Us

In AD 553 the Church Council of Constantinople decreed that anyone who supported the `mythical’ doctrine of pre-existence of the soul and believed in the soul’s return to earth after death (reincarnation) should henceforth be anathema (meaning damned. It is a formal condemnation or curse excommunicating someone from the Church). Thus, again by majority vote, the church leaders suppressed a truth of the Ancient Wisdom implicit in the teachings of Jesus and taught in the mystery schools throughout the ancient world. Based on this information, the following indications of the five immutable (unchangeable) laws and their out-working is shared in the hope it will begin to answer some of your questions about life and death, to which we are all accountable:

1. Reincarnation, the Law of Rebirth:  In short, life in the physical body is like a year at school. We come back to the earth with certain lessons to learn, certain gifts to develop, and at the end of the school year we go home again, or withdraw to an inner, or more subtle, state of being in what may be called a `land of light’, for a period of rest and refreshment. During this time, the soul can review what was gained or lost in the life now finished. When it has had a period of rest and refreshment and feels the urge to gain more wisdom, it is shown the next set of lessons to be learned, and drawn into incarnation at the appropriate time and place. This process of work and refreshment continues until the whole earth curriculum is completed. Continue reading