Disclaimer: This work is not for those who feel as if they are victims. Your Higher Self and spirit guides know you are responsible for your life, no matter how painful, or chaotic, it may be. If you agree, then this work will be a blessing in disguise. Guaranteed! And they are here, working through me, to make sure this happens: that you feel better about your self and about your relationships with others.
As a metaphysical/spiritual teacher, I am channeling your spirit guide or your Higher Self, and making you aware of what it is they are trying to teach you. If they cannot make me understand, then they use my spirit guides or my metaphysical/spiritual teacher, to convey the information. It is always accurate, non-judgmental, not critical, but true. I give you the truth, as I receive it from them, unedited. Truth, when it is channeled this way, has a way of making you feel as if the “rug has been pulled out from underneath your feet”, for the first few minutes. Then you begin to adjust and feel better, as long as you accept responsibility for whatever it is Spirit is sharing. I act in two primary different roles with you as your metaphysical/spiritual teacher.
Sometimes they are combined, and sometimes you are seeking one or the other.
If you are seeking counseling, then Spirit will make suggestions to help move you from ignorance to awareness, taking you through a five-step process (ignorance…awareness…non-judgment…understanding…acceptance…forgiveness) that will bring you inner peace and end your inner pain. This works best for issues that have been unresolved, or bothered you for many years, that you are ready, willing and able to let go or to heal. I would be working with you on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, by phone. I can work with any issue because I channel, but I also specialize in taboo subjects, such as death, sex, abuse, and addictions of all kinds. If not right away, then after all is said and done, you are always grateful for the insights.
Develop Your Own Intuitive and Psychic Abilities:
Perhaps you feel ready, able and willing to develop your own intuitive abilities, and want to learn how to listen to, and follow, your own inner voice, or work directly with your own Spirit guides, or talk directly with someone who has passed over. Then I would, once again, act as your metaphysical/spiritual teacher. Together we (Spirit and I) teach you how to do this work by yourself, for your self so that you no longer need a “middle guy”.
Each counseling session lasts up to two hours.